Ut at orci tincidunt, condimentum ipsum sit amet, tempor lorem

Ut at orci tincidunt, condimentum ipsum sit amet, tempor lorem. Sed congue, orci non laoreet porta, lectus ligula egestas nisl, non commodo quam tortor et nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi posuere, est tempus luctus pulvinar, tellus ipsum rhoncus mauris, a consectetur lectus urna ac justo. Donec cursus nunc non tincidunt hendrerit. Cras sed commodo elit. Phasellus maximus, nunc eget facilisis viverra, erat lacus aliquet nisi, sit amet venenatis erat libero porta nisl. Vestibulum vehicula urna scelerisque nibh faucibus vehicula. Mauris quam ipsum, porttitor at tristique non, rhoncus vitae turpis. Praesent ac rhoncus dolor.

Donec sed nisl lorem. Aenean in tincidunt leo. In tristique ante diam, euismod imperdiet diam mollis vitae. Pellentesque a blandit enim. Fusce iaculis iaculis volutpat. Etiam a accumsan ante. Fusce consequat leo sed arcu tempus, non venenatis ipsum fringilla. Pellentesque porta nunc at massa eleifend porta.

Suspendisse lacinia libero vel massa iaculis finibus. Morbi dapibus sed tellus vel ultricies. Ut facilisis semper nisl, a mattis mi egestas at. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean scelerisque nec magna ut elementum. Nam eget urna in nibh lobortis hendrerit. Etiam vulputate ipsum a faucibus sagittis. Maecenas eget leo urna. Fusce cursus diam vitae odio luctus, nec luctus orci scelerisque. Curabitur eu ligula cursus, mollis lacus quis, facilisis velit. Nam id eros gravida, lacinia sem in, rutrum nisi. Vestibulum iaculis urna id facilisis congue.


Labor Day – Expanding voting rights for all

By Mike Matejka Because of COVID, there is no Labor Day Parade this year.  It’s always a great event for our everyday workers to march proudly down the street and enjoys the festive crowd. If there had been a parade, this year’s Labor Day theme was to be “150 years of struggle: your right to vote.” …

Is federal mobilization the answer?

By Mike Matejka As President Donald Trump threatens to send federal marshals into Chicago, over the objections of Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, recall another Illinois Governor who protested the incursion of armed federal personnel into the city.   Those federal troops, rather than calming, escalated the situation, leading to deaths and violence. Illinois poet Vachel Lindsay…

In these troubled times, to my fellow white Americans

By Mike Matejka Our nation is at a unique watershed in human relations. African-Americans have been killed too many times in the past before George Floyd, but the response to this man’s death is international and all-encompassing. I was a grade-schooler during the Civil Rights 1960s. I watched Birmingham demonstrators hosed and the Selma – Montgomery…

Workers’ Memorial Day – Remember those whose job took their life

Looking around our community, when we say employer, most will respond to State Farm, Country, or Illinois State University.   We too often forget those who are building our roads, serving our food, or our public employees. COVID-19 has made us more aware of the risk.  Going to work every day for some people means…